During last Tuesday’s primary election, Cypress residents voted for an initiative to develop a mixed-use project on the 150 plus acre Los Alamitos Race Course. It won 63.6% to 36.3%. The plan proposes to eventually replace the track with a town center, restaurants, offices, retail stores, and residential housing. Unfortunately, many racetracks throughout the country have been struggling and are now offering up land ripe for development.
The project won’t be for several years as the race course owner, Ed Allred, plans to keep the track open for as long as possible – possibly 5 plus years. The passage of Measure A will not directly impact the operations of Los Alamitos Race Course since the first step is to build a park on the 8.8 acres that have been donated.
Pioneers of the plan are now working with race course officials to revise the plans in order to make the best use of the land while not impacting the race track. City officials and residents are excited as this measure provides the city with a long-term plan for the use of the land.