I have always thought it was such a shame that we live in such a great area, and can’t send our kids to our neighborhood schools.  We have a new principal at Estancia who really wants to make changes, and improve our schools, and I believe these meetings are a result of his optimistic approach to building attendance in our schools.  As you can see below the district is exploring options to create flagship programs in our area.  Wouldn’t that be awesome!

There is a school called Oxford academy that is located in Cerritos.  It is a public charter school and the children that attend have to take an entrance exam in order to be admitted.  I know the counselor there, and she just told me that their test scores came back, and they are number 1 in the nation, and have one of the largest number of graduates attending Ivy League schools in the country.  Google them and check it out!  Wouldn’t it be great if Adams and TeWinkle schools could do the same!
I plan on attending the Estancia High School meeting just to see what’s going on.  They need out input.  Below is a list of the meetings.  Please pass this on to anyone who has school age children…maybe we can take back our schools!

Kurt Galitski

Meet Kurt Galitski - The Kurt Real Estate Group, your new best friend. Distinctive Strategies that Deliver Record-Setting Results. When you combine Kurt’s passion and knowledge of the real estate market, you really gain an appreciation for what makes Kurt different. But what truly sets him apart from the crowd are his 5 distinctive strategies and his property management… For Kurt, getting into real estate was not an accident, it was a deliberate and calculated decision to deliver a better experience to home buyers, sellers, and landlords that they have ever received before. Today, you could ask any one of hundreds of clients, read his Yelp reviews, or look at his track record of being featured in Orange Coast Magazine in excess of eight consecu­tive years and you too will say mission accomplished. www.KurtRealEstate.com www.KurtPropertyManagement.com 877-957-6677

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