by Kurt Galitski | Jan 10, 2012 | Costa Mesa, Kurt In the News, Marketing Reports, Real Estate News
For the second consecutive year- Kurt Galitski scored highest in overall satisfaction! The Five Star Real Estate Agent Program is designed to identify and showcase real estate agents in a local market who score highest in overall satisfaction. As part of an...
by Kurt Galitski | Jan 9, 2012 | Community Information, Consumer Information, Costa Mesa, For Buyers, For Sellers, Real Estate News
In This Issue Last Week in Review:Unemployment hit a three-year low. How did Bonds and home loan rates react?Forecast for the Week:The second half of the week will be a busy one, with news on retail sales, consumer sentiment, and more.View: Want some help keeping your...
by Kurt Galitski | Nov 9, 2011 | Community Information, Consumer Information, Costa Mesa, For Buyers, For Sellers, Kurt Suggests, Kurt's Thoughts, Marketing Reports, Real Estate News
Source: OC Register, November 8th, 2011 MOOD RING (Green’s hot; red’s not … yellow in between!) Slice Price Ch. Sold Ch. House $485,000 -7% 5,157 +6% Condo $270,000 -10% 2,137 -7% New $582,500 -5% 451 +5% All OC $427,500 -4% 7,745 +2% Highlights of Data-Quick’s...
by Kurt Galitski | Nov 1, 2011 | Community Information, Consumer Information, Costa Mesa, Kurt In the News, Kurt Suggests, Loan Modification, Loans, Real Estate News, Short Sales
You may have heard that President Obama plans to open up refinancing to more homeowners who are underwater. If you’ve been hearing questions about this program or are just curious about what the plan involves, here are some of the major highlights: What’s...
by Kurt Galitski | Oct 17, 2011 | Consumer Information, For Buyers, For Sellers, Loans, Marketing Reports, Real Estate News
In This Issue Last Week in Review: Good news at home and abroad impacted the markets and home loan rates last week. Find out how. Forecast for the Week: Earnings season is in full swing, plus look for big news on manufacturing, housing, and inflation. View: Wondering...
by Kurt Galitski | Sep 13, 2011 | Consumer Information, Costa Mesa, For Buyers, For Sellers, Kurt Suggests, Marketing Reports, Monthly Newsletter, Real Estate News
31 of O.C.’s 83 ZIP codes with gains in their respective median selling price. Overall, buyers’ prices were -3.4% vs. a year ago. · Taking sales volume in consideration, home-sale pricing is up in ZIPs representing 45% of the Orange County market. · 6...