by Kurt Galitski | Feb 7, 2014 | Community, Community Information, Consumer Information, costa mesa ca
Kurt GalitskiMeet Kurt Galitski - The Kurt Real Estate Group, your new best friend. Distinctive Strategies that Deliver Record-Setting Results. When you combine Kurt’s passion and knowledge of the real estate market, you really gain an appreciation for what makes Kurt...
by Kurt Galitski | Feb 7, 2014 | Community, Community Information, Consumer Information, cost mesa house values, Costa Mesa, costa mesa buyers, costa mesa ca, costa mesa ca housing market, Costa Mesa Community News, costa mesa property, Costa Mesa Real Estate For Sale, Costa Mesa Real Estate News, costa mesa real estate values, For Buyers, Orange County News
3 Ways to Buy a Home for Less Money Costa Mesa – If you’re like most homebuyers, you have two primary considerations in mind when you start looking for a home. First, you want to find the home that perfectly meets your needs and desires, and secondly,...
by Kurt Galitski | Feb 4, 2014 | Community, Community Information, Consumer Information, Costa Mesa, costa mesa ca
Kurt GalitskiMeet Kurt Galitski - The Kurt Real Estate Group, your new best friend. Distinctive Strategies that Deliver Record-Setting Results. When you combine Kurt’s passion and knowledge of the real estate market, you really gain an appreciation for what makes Kurt...
by Kurt Galitski | Jan 31, 2014 | Community, Community Information, Consumer Information, Costa Mesa, costa mesa ca
Kurt GalitskiMeet Kurt Galitski - The Kurt Real Estate Group, your new best friend. Distinctive Strategies that Deliver Record-Setting Results. When you combine Kurt’s passion and knowledge of the real estate market, you really gain an appreciation for what makes Kurt...
by Kurt Galitski | Jan 30, 2014 | Community, Community Information, Consumer Information, Costa Mesa, costa mesa ca, Costa Mesa Community News
Kurt GalitskiMeet Kurt Galitski - The Kurt Real Estate Group, your new best friend. Distinctive Strategies that Deliver Record-Setting Results. When you combine Kurt’s passion and knowledge of the real estate market, you really gain an appreciation for what makes Kurt...