With modern-day technology, we as consumers have endless resources of information readily available at our fingertips. Regardless of what we’re shopping for, a toothbrush or a house, the majority of our searches begin online. While many assume that the younger generations of Millennials and Gen-Xers prefer to remain behind the screen, this is not the case. When it comes to things like filing suit or buying a home, we need the experience and advice of an expert.
In the first half of 2018, 90% of buyers and sellers used a real estate agent, according to the REAL Trends 2018 Consumer Study. Millennials and Gen-Xers alike flocked to agents in 2018, setting a record high for the 17-year-old REAL Trends Consumer Study. That’s the highest rate of consumers using an agent since the report’s inception in 2001 (when 81% of used an agent) and a 5% percentage point increase from the last REALTrends consumer study in 2014 (85%).
More than 90% of Millennials (91%) and Gen-Xers (94%) used a real estate agent as part of a transaction, about 10% points more than their older counterparts aged 55 and over (81%). The survey ran online between June 20 & July 12, 2018 and included 1,000 people age 18 or older who either bought a home or sold a home in the first six months of 2018.
Demographic figures including age, gender, ethnicity, religion and household income were weighted to make the survey’s proportions reflect the general population. It was underwritten by the California Association of Realtors (CAR) and the CE Shop, in addition to REAL Trends.
Consumers’ biggest reasons for using an agent during a transaction were:
· Help negotiating a buying/selling price (86%)
· The need for a higher level of professionalism (80%)
· Help managing the stressful process of buying or selling a home (80%)
· Help narrowing down the list of potential homes (77%)
· Access to a comparative market analysis (74%t)
· Needed someone to educate them about the buying/selling process (72%t)
When it comes to finding the right agent, all consumers said referrals from people they trust (69%) were important in their decision-making process. Next, buyers and sellers searched for agents with listings similar to what they were looking for (64%), or searched websites with agent ratings (62%) or simply used an agent they already knew (57%).
Although 92% of buyers and sellers used websites to find information about real estate agents, 90% of them bought or sold their home with an agent.