A short sale has the same impact as a foreclosure. When the bank or lender reports your short sale to the credit bureaus, they generally treat both the foreclosure and the short sale as a delinquency. The credit bureaus, in turn, submit their information to Fair Isaac & Company, the people that compile the FICO score from your credit bureau records. FICO makes no distinction between foreclosures, short sales and deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure. In fact, they lump them all together and treat them as accounts “not paid as agreed.” Repairing your credit after a short sale will take time and discipline.
Step 1
Pay your bills on time. FICO weighs recent credit history more than past, so a year or two of on-time payments can help erase a past filled with late pays.
Step 2
Maintain low credit card balances. This raises your available credit amount, which helps you appear to have disposable income enough to take on more debt.
Step 3
Keep old credit cards with good payment histories open. If you need to close credit card accounts, close the newer ones.
Step 4
Use the credit cards sparingly, but do use them. Make sure that you can pay for the purchases during the next billing cycle. This will help build a history of on-time payments.